Thursday, March 4, 2010

20/21 Week Ultrasound

Good morning, loved ones!! :)

"Wow" is a favorite word of mine...and one that I kept saying yesterday when Steve and I were at Clarian North having a 2D ultraound.

When we saw the 20+ week old lil' person in my "belly" :) we saw a lil' GIRL!! Wow... :) There are few words that are easy to articulate when seeing a lil' miracle growing (not to mention IN you). Long legs moving... Fingers flexing and extending... Eyes moving.

Psalm 139 1
3 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

I don't cry very often, unfortunately, but I can't help but tearing-up when I think about what our Ultrasound tech, Sarah, said, "These are girl parts!" LOL I have been feeling her move more the past 48 hours. Instantly I smile, my eyes water, and I thank God.

Going through the process of loss, waiting, and then receiving has been extremely insightful!!
Before we were given this baby, I realized that it was very important that I didn't put my worth in conceiving. That I was loved just as much (by God and by my hubby) if I wasn't able. We still want to adopt a kiddo or two someday... Being an aunt has taught me so much, too. The love I have for our 7 nieces and nephews has grown my heart in a motherhood-way. I have been more used to taking care of baby boys (2 nieces and 5 nephews) and thus hearing that we have a lil girl brought even more insights. I think the fact that I see my frailties causes me to depend of God even more as representing a mother's love for her daugther. I don't know if this makes much sense :), but it was an unexpected insight into myself, yesterday.

Not only do I have comfort knowing that God will help us raise His lil' girl, but I have such joy being married to my bestfriend who is going to be the best Daddy ever!! Modeling a Father's love to his lil' girl... That is a blessing that won't end. He can't wait to meet her and is excited beyond words regarding being a Daddy for a lil girl. She is 12 oz and ~7 inches long. Her organs (brain, etc), spine, etc. all are healthy!! Wow...

We are praying about names and may need to see her lil face before we choose one... She is due on July 20th.

The pics attached might not be super easy to make-out/interpret :)... They are 2D... One show a hand; One shows a profile; A couple show her looking you with her hands and arms by or under her face.

Please know that your prayers have encouraged and supported us more than you know!! It has been a matra to pray, "God, no matter what happens, you are good." :) He is so good... and His wisdom is trustworthy. Thank you again!!

His love through me,
Steve and Mer (& Baby Girl Black)

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